Møt vårt nye håp!

Velkommen i Underwater gjengen!

(Bailey) Underwater For You To Catch Up

Mor: Dancewood Lost Without Your Love (Ch Dewmist Double Jeopardy – Dancewood Amour D’Aunou)

Far: Ch Dewmist Sand Of Atacama (Ch Dewmist Silkmarillion – Ch Dewmist Sandarella)

Vi er så stolte over å kunne presentere den første valpen fra eget oppdrett! Hun er ut av kullet » Get rich or die trying «!

Welcome to the Underwater Gang!

(Bailey) Underwater For You To Catch Up

Mother: Dancewood Lost Without Your Love (Ch Dewmist Double Jeopardy – Dancewood Amour D’Aunou)

Father: Ch Dewmist Sand Of Atacama (Ch Dewmist Silk Marillion – Ch Dewmist Sandarella)

So proud to present the first puppy from own breeding! She’s out of the litter «Get rich or die trying»!

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